2008.0 - Census of Population and Housing: Nature and Content, Australia, 2016  
ARCHIVED ISSUE Released at 11:30 AM (CANBERRA TIME) 20/08/2015   
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This topic provides information about the number of registered motor vehicles which are owned or used by members of a household and which are garaged or parked near the occupied private dwelling on Census Night. Data on the number and distribution of vehicles is used to assess parking and public transport requirements. This information also serves as a useful socioeconomic indicator, either by itself or when cross-classified with other variables, to identify mobility and access to services.


A question on the number of vehicles was first asked in the 1966 Census. Since 1976, households have been asked to record the number of registered motor vehicles (excluding motor cycles and motor scooters) which are owned or used by members of the household and garaged at or near their dwelling.

For the 2001 Census, the question also included an option to record the number of motor bikes and motor scooters. In addition, the response field was changed to allow respondents to write in the actual number of vehicles rather than mark a self coding box.

In 2006 and 2011 data was collected on the number of registered motor vehicles only; motorbikes and motor scooters were excluded and this will again be the case for 2016. During the 2016 Census consultation period, this topic was one of those proposed for exclusion however user consultation indicated support for collection of data on this topic on a five yearly cycle. This question will therefore be included in the 2016 Census.


With alternative data sources becoming more available and accessible, it is anticipated that in the longer term alternative data sources may be sufficient in meeting user information needs on this topic. It is highly likely in future that administrative datasets (such as motor vehicle registry data) could be used to assist in providing information required for transport modelling.


The following question is from the paper 2016 Census Household Form.

Image: question 54 from the paper 2016 Census Household Form.